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Fuzzy, Wuzzy, and Buzzy / text by Mrs. A. R. Osborn,illustrated by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite. Whitcombe and Tombs, Melbourne,1954, 32p. 16th print.

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Your swaps will help you to get your articles run in ezines that have subscribers interested in your business. Your article swaps can also help you to gain more reciprocal links and add more useful content to your site if you swap articles where you publish another writer's article on your site in exchange for the same. 10. Create a list that people can subscribe to that announces when you've written a new article or articles. Your list will keep people up to date on new articles they can publish in their ezines or post on their web sites. If you let your affiliates use your articles to earn commissions, you can also use your list to attract more new affiliates and to keep your existing affiliates up to date on new articles they can use to promote your business. About The AuthorArticle by writer Ken Hill. For more articles by Ken Hill and to submit your own articles to Ken's article directory visit: . 6 Best Places to Submit Your Articles by: Brandie King You know that writing articles is the best free way to promote your business and gain credibility. You understand the importance of articles containing actual information and not being just long sales letters. Do you know the absolute best places to submit all of those wonderful articles you have written?Here is your list of the top 6 places to submit your articles: 1.

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Uber tente de renforcer la scurit de ses passagers pour faire face aux cas dagressions sexuelles qui se sont multipli ses dernires annes. Son application permettra bientt ses clients deffectuer un enregistrement audio, et de leur envoyer lorsquils ne se sentent pas laise avec leur chauffeur. Un ancien cadre de chez Waymo division des voitures autonomes de Google, aurait vol et partag des secrets de fabrication la socit concurrente Uber. Uber ne cesse dinnover et de diversifier ses services. Aprs la livraison de repas domicile, la socit va dornavant permettre ses clients de faire leur shopping de produits high tech pendant leur trajet. Le service de voitures avec chauffeurs sapprte tester la livraison de fast food par drone. Les premires exprimentations auront lieu aux tats Unis. La compagnie a initi une phase de test durant laquelle les clients pourront commander leurs repas depuis Uber, plutt que de passer par UberEats. Il y a un an, une cycliste tait tue sur une route arizonienne par une de ses voitures sans pilote, Uber a t exempt de toute poursuite judiciaire. Uber continue son programme de voiture autonome. Daprs les informations relayes par The Telegraph, elle envisage dtendre cette technologie ses deux roues.

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